WPI has been using the Doodle Mops for about 2 months since it was introduce to us by Harry Beach at our Annual Trade Show and Training in January. The results have been impressive on texture stone stairs, tile floors in restrooms and other kitchen areas on campus. We have decided to use the disposable pads on the Doodle Mop and once you see the dirt that comes off the floors, you will understand why. We are using the Doodle Mop as a monthly/quarterly restorative procedure and not as a scheduled daily or weekly cleaning procedure. The results have been positive and Harry’s support with training our staff has been excellent.
~Terry Pellerin
We recently purchased 3 of the EB-20 High Speed machines after having a demo on the machine. I was skeptical going in, but was immediately converted to a believer after seeing this machine in action. I am amazed at how well, and fast, this machine works with the stripping of floors. It has tremendously cut down on the time it takes to strip, not to mention it is much safer than “wet stripping”. I am going to use the machine to sand the hard wood floors in my house because I am truly confident in this machine’s capabilities!
~Jamie Losch, FBG Service Corporation in Cedar Rapids, Iowa
The Square Scrub machine has made our jobs a little easier. The machine helps keep our staff safer by not having to work on wet floors and keeps splatter away from walls and baseboards. The machine saves time which saves labor cost’s. The machine does a nice job hugging the corners and removing much of the dirt on vinyl floors. I would recommend this machine to all my peers.
~Mike Aiken, CDF Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds @ Cincinnatus Central School
The new Xtreme Sponge Pad is awesome. We did a dry scrub with an SQP pad on some very worn tile in a factory setting. The tile was black with dirt and grease that was ground in from chair wheels. The scrub looked ok, but left behind a lot of the dirt and grease. We laid a light coat of water down and used the Xtreme Sponge Pad. It all came up in 2 seconds. It was amazing. Completely white tile left behind. Use it after the SQP pad if you have some spots or dirt left over in the tile.
~John Ostermann-OTECH Group
The place where I use to work at has a square scrub. I no longer work there as I retired. But I used the machine and I really, really liked it. No slipping and sliding in stripper! I love your machine!
~Lera Matzen
We had the Square Scrub for several months before trying it on carpet. I was a little skeptical of using it on carpet at first. After seeing the results, I was no longer skeptical and wished we started using it sooner on our carpet. We tried in a trouble area and it still looks great 4 weeks later. If you’re not using this machine on your carpet you need to start.
~Chris Rhodes
I saw a demonstration of the Square Scrub at a facility we were performing ceramic tile cleaning and coating. Each of my techs used the machine and they all found it very user friendly and safe to use. I purchased the Square Scrub machine and my techs are using it on every job. Most of the time contractors like myself will purchase equipment and the machine hardly ever gets used. Not with the Square Scrub machine. The uses are endless and I am looking into purchasing more of them. It definitely saves labor hours. It is like having an employee but in a machine form.
~George Aslan
The Square Scrub has revolutionized the way we clean our floors. With the challenges of a shrinking budget and labor shortages, the Square Scrub has been able to fill the gap in efficiency. We have two units on each of our large high schools and one each on the smaller sites totaling 25 units. Gym floors are screened in half the time. The Square Scrub is an incredible cleaning tool that I completely endorse. Some other important benefits are the safety factor, smaller statured individuals can use it with ease and best of all our work injuries have been reduced significantly by not having to use a stripper that causes slips and falls. Economic benefits in all aspects.
~Tony Scarfo, Phoenix School District in Phoenix, Arizona
We have 4 square scrubs, 1 for each of our main school buildings, The machines allow our personnel to measure and pace their work as they proceed. The ease of operation is instrumental in eliminating work fatigue caused by the manhandling necessary on the older rotary units. The comfort level of our staff was immediate and “no” requests have been made to go back to the original equipment. In the present economic climate where we are trying to do “more with less”, the Square Scrub has been a welcome design and opportunity. Thank You.
~Raul Nieves-Director of Buildings and Grounds-BBOE
Such a great machine. Improves productivity to no end. Recommended it to anyone in the business. We have an EBG-20/C, will be getting a Doodle Scrub this year too. We use our square scrub for VCT, ceramic tile and carpets. Such a versatile machine.
~James Winder
We were able to strip and finish all of our 1st floor halls in 3 days using the Square Scrub. This process used to take us over 2 weeks to complete the traditional way!! Thanks. We continue to have great results on carpets and textured bathroom floors as well. The staff love this machine.
~John Rota, CHESP, Director, Environmental Services – Concord Hospital. Concord, NH
We love the Square Scrub. I recently was asked to repair almost 6000 square feet of flooring for a customer that needed emergency floor repairs prior to an inspection. The inspection was on the following Monday they called me Thursday night to ask if I was available to get the flooring refinished. It took two men about 10 hours to get the work completed. The floors had not been touched in years and what they wanted was not for us to put down a show room finish as these floors had been in a filthy manufacturing facility, but they wanted the floors to look the best they could on such short notice. The floors looked beautiful. You would have never known that these floors had been abused for years
~Bill Monroe, ServiceMaster Janitorial Partners in Spartanburg, South Carolina
We purchased an EBG-20 last week. Today we used it for the 1st time. We are VERY impressed. Rarely, does a piece of equipment come pretty much as advertised.
~Scott White at Mercy Medical Center in Des Moines, Iowa
We love the Square Scrub. We stripped four rooms in the Mother’s Day out area that are half carpet and half vinyl tile. With the Square Scrub, one man was able to strip all four of those rooms in less than two hours. Normally, it would take at least two hours per room to strip. Additionally, we did not need a second employee to be ready with rinse water and the wet-vac. The Square Scrub does not throw stripper solution on the carpet or baseboards. We are now able to run this machine right down the edge of the carpet transition strips. Not only did we save on chemicals and labor, it does a better job. The surface was much more uniform with the Square Scrub compared to the slow speed buffer and stripper. I could not believe how easy the corners were to strip. We can throw our doodle bugs away. I certainly won’t miss the smell of stripper or the danger of slipping as the finish breaks loose. Thanks for making my job easier!!
~Gary Robinson at Forest Hills Baptist Church
I used the square scrub for projects at the hospital that I use to work for. Its better than the other scrubbers. I honestly and wish I could Represent the company for this machine.
~Tracy Marie Heisler-Bort