Commercial Mastic & Linoleum Floor Removers

Removing mastic and glue when updating flooring can be a time-intensive process if manual scraping is required.
The Square Scrub Pivot and the SAP, Square Abrader Plate, can save hours by adding the orbital cleaning power of the Pivot! The Carbide Tungsten tips of the Square Abrader Plate make quick work of linoleum, glue, or paint on floors!

Steps for Removing Mastic & Linoleum From Floors
1. Apply the Blue Driver Pad to the grip face of the Pivot.
2. Lay the Square Abrader Plate against a wall and tilt the Pivot onto it.
3. The floor’s surface can be wet or dry when using the Abrader Plate. Check the driver pad frequently, replace as needed
4. Sweep up or use a wet/dry vacuum to recover the abraded material from the floor.