Cleaning Solutions by Floor Type

Floor Stripping
By using modern abrasive floor pads such as our SQP or the 3M SPP pad we are able to remove one coat of finish with each back and forth pass. The dry method of removing floor finish has the advantage of no chemical stripper odors, greatly reduced chance of slip and falls, and drastically lower water consumption. Watch the video above to see the process. Our equipment will produce great results with chemical strippers as well.
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Tile And Grout Cleaning
Cleaning grout lines can be very challenging , which is why Square Scrub designed a variety of commercial floor cleaning machines that can handle the challenge. Our blue tile and grout pad is very effective at cleaning three dimensional surfaces. The astro turf type material does an outstanding job at getting down in the grout lines to break up dirt build ups.

Wood Floors/GymFloors
Wood floors come in a great many types these days. Lots of the floors that we think are wood really are not. Floors that look like wood are very popular. Real wood floors are usually coated with some type of coating. The older materials were a type of oil based varnish. Newer versions of the coatings are water more sophisticated and in many cases are water based. Most all of these materials require some type or recoating from time to time. To recoat these floors some preparation is required. The Square Scrub machines do an excellent job providing a clean and effectively profiled floor ready for the new coating.
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Baseboard And Stair Cleaning
A difficult area to keep looking great. Baseboards have always been a source of problems when it comes to conventional commercial floor cleaning machines. The Doodleskate is a carrier that allows a Doodlescrub to be turned up vertically. In this vertical position the full action is applied to the baseboard or the front side of steps. The Doodleskate is built to pivot to match the angle of the wall.
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Daily Floor Cleaning
Floor materials have changed over the years. The expectations of the occupants of facilities are higher now than ever before. The perception of using a conventional mop on the floors is not what it used to be. We have created the Doodlemop and its battery powered version the Battmop. These two daily use commercial floor cleaning machines provide cleaning staff with a modern powered hand tool to clean concrete, wood and tile with ease. The Battmop and the Doodlemop deliver the cleaning power of an auto scrubber without the cost or the size limitations. If you choose disposable microfiber the results are impressive and fast.
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Luxury Vinyl (LVT)
No wax or maintenance free or low maintenance floors are becoming more and more popular. Many of these floors have a texture to them to simulate wood grain. This texture is great to look at but difficult to clean. Soils tend to get trapped in the low areas of the floor profiles. With our fast motion and steady action these types of floors are easier to get clean and looking great. There are several new chemical products on the market that are designed to bring these floors back to a new condition.
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Terrazzo & Concrete Polishing
Taking care of Terrazzo and polished concrete is not a difficult thing these days. 3M has produced their Trizact system in the perfect size and shape for Square Scrub tools. These sophisticated diamond products fit our Doodlescrub, the 20C and the 28” unit. Great results, easy to learn and cost effective. Take a look at our white paper showing a full cost breakdown of the labor and materials required to polish some concrete in our building.

Gum Removal From Concrete
Removing gum from the concrete at building entrances is quite difficult. Next time you have a heavy buildup try one of our machines with some heavy grit sandpaper or an abrader plate. The cuts off pretty well. Don’t try this on a warm day. Works better if the gum is cool and hard.
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Under Gondolas
Store resets require the gondolas to be moved to different locations or spacings. This leaves some ugly residue buildup under those gondolas. Tough work made a bit easier by using a Square Scrub machine.
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